Air Force ‘X’ Group (Technical) – Eligibility Criteria
Air Force ‘X’ Group (Technical) Eligibility Criteria
We provide Coaching for Air Force recruitment for ‘X’ Group. Khunga Academy is the best coaching center for Air Force in India. Indian Air Force carry out selection and enrolment of Airmen Gp ‘X’ and ‘Y’ through Airmen Selection Centers spread all over India. Airmen Group ‘X’ is Technical and Group ‘Y’ is Non-Technical. Recruitment of Group ‘X’ and ‘Y’ is conducted through rallies and selection tests. Advertisements are published in Employment News/RozgarSamachar inviting the applications. Eligible candidates apply in response of advertisement and forward application to the President, Central Airmen Selection Board, Post Box No. 11807, New Delhi – 110 010. The Board sends admit cards to eligible and short-listed candidates to appear in the written Tests. For open rallies, advertisements for open rally are published with all details. For rally recruitment, eligible candidates are to report to the rally venue with the requisite documents. These documents will be scrutinized and verified by the Testing Team.
Age: 17 ½ – 21 Yrs.
Chest: Minimum 5 cm expansion
Height: 152.5 cm
Education Qualification: 12th (PCM) pass with 50% marks or 3 years ITI diploma with 50% marks.
Documents Required: Education Certificate, Domicile Certificate, Caste Certificate, Character Certificate, Ration Card, Voter ID
1600 Meters Running
10 Push Ups

Physical Fitness Test – Air Force ‘X’ Group (Technical)
The PET provides a measure of upper and lower body muscular endurance. It is a performance test that indicates a Soldier’s ability to perform physically and handle his or her own body weight. PFT standards are adjusted for age and physiological differences between the genders.
Here are some general pieces of advice for those who are working to improve their over-all physical fitness for Air Force ‘X’ Group (Technical) Bharti:
Get plenty of rest (6-8 hours of sleep/night)
Eat a well-balanced diet (nutrition plays a HUGE role)
Warm-up, workout, cool down and stretch
Incorporate stretching into your workouts
Stay hydrated (8-10 glasses of water/day)
Make a plan for yourself
A. Start slow and at a comfortable pace
B. Progressively work your way up
C. Consider ladder or circuit workouts
D. Gradually increase number of repetitions, weight / resistance of gear and run speed
Medical Test Air Force ‘X’ Group (Technical)
To be deemed “Medically Fit”, a candidate must be in good physical and mental health and free from any disease/syndrome/disability likely to interfere with the efficient performance of military duties in any terrain, climate, season incl sea and air, in remote areas, in austere conditions with no medical aid. Candidate also should be free of medical conditions which require frequent visit to medical facilities and use of any aid / drugs.